ZGM Conducts the First ESG Training in 2023

On June 13, ZGM launched the first ESG training in 2023 by means of both on-site and online, with a total of 44 people from 34 departments of ZGM and its subsidiaries participated. The topics of this training included ESG basics, the importance of ESG work, the planning of ESG work this year, and the ESG work schedule. Participants spoke one after another to discuss ESG-related issues.


In this training, the trainer first explained the basic knowledge of ESG and the importance of ESG work by combining theoretical knowledge and case sharing, so that colleagues with different professional backgrounds have a clearer understanding of ESG work. In addition, the trainer introduced the planning and schedule of this year’s ESG work, focusing on the company’s ideas for building an ESG indicator system and suggestions for improving the quality of ESG-related data. Subsequently, colleagues expressed their opinions one after another, and had a serious discussion on their understanding of ESG, confusion, difficulties encountered in work, solutions, and other topics. Finally, Mr. Li Ruixue, secretary of the board of directors of the Company, made a brief comment on the training, and proposed to continue to strengthen the publicity of ESG knowledge and improve the ESG professional quality of employees in the future.

Although ESG is a new concept for most Zangge employees, everyone is open and welcoming to new things. They are passionate about learning ESG knowledge, and actively integrate ESG into their daily work, establishing work ledgers and sorting out ESG issues in their daily work. This training has enabled employees with a further understanding of ESG, which will better promote the Company’s ESG work.