In 2022, the Company published the “Five-Year (2022-2027) Strategic Plan for Development of Zangge Mining” (Hereinafter referred to as the “Five-Year Development Strategy”). According to the “Five-Year Development Strategy”, the Company will complete the building of ESG system initially in the first phase (2022-2024); in the second phase (2025-2027), the Company’s ESG system will reach the top-ranking level in the world.
Under this framework, we started officially to build ESG management system in 2022. At work, we find that just like the planting of a big tree, it is necessary to build ESG management system in an orderly way from simple to complex and combining theory with practice. Therefore, we compare the building of ESG management system with the planting of tree, and propose to take the “Tree Planting Theory” for building of ESG system as the thinking of our ESG strategic plan.
In conjunction with the Company’s Five-Year Development Strategy, we divide the Company’s ESG strategic plan into four stages: